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Augmented Reality: Igniting a New Era of Possibilities

Our Blogs

October 10, 2022 | 10 mins read

4 Pain Points of Buying Jewelry Online (And How Retailers Can Fix Them)

In the United States alone, the online jewelry industry grew by almost 8.64% annually between 2011 to 2019 and the sales generated reached a record-high of $8.4 billion during the last year. And all these happened before the 2020 pandemic that forced multiple businesses to shut down their brick-and-mortar stores and digitize their presence.

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Why New Beauty Brands Should Adopt AR Virtual Try-On | mirrar

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The Best Choice for Your Business: Web AR vs App AR

October 28, 2023

| 6 mins read

Augmented reality on web has become a huge part of our lives. Yes, you might not even notice it at times but it’s right there. From being just for entertainment, it has now become more mainstream and an expectation of a tech-savvy customer base.

The Future of Retail: WebAR for Ecommerce Products

October 28, 2023

| 5 mins read

There’s one thing about shopping that people love, trying the products on or putting them to practical use to a certain extent. This is hardly possible when it comes to online shopping.

From Conventional to Cutting-Edge: The Power of AR and AI in B2B Advertising

October 25, 2023

| 6 mins read

In today’s digital economy, the need for organizations to meet customers’ evolving expectations for responsive, personalized experiences has never been any more significant. Brands are increasingly integrating newer content formats into their B2B marketing strategies to engage their followers and audience.

AR Platforms: A Game-changer for Enterprises

October 23, 2023

| 5 mins read

Do you know that 2 out of 5 consumers are ready to pay more for the same product if they can experience it through AR first? Meaning: By simply using an augmented reality platform to present your existing product/service, you stand to double your customer base. Can any business refuse that kind of profit?

Jewelry Storytelling with AR: Connecting Customers to Your Brand

October 12, 2023

| 6 mins read

Jewelry has always been more than just an accessory. For jewelers, it has been synonymous with luxury, elegance, and craftsmanship. For customers, it has been a symbol of heritage, love, and personal style.Every jewelry piece tells a unique story, and augmented reality (AR) is a game-changing tool for infusing life into those stories.

Connecting with Gen Z: The Power of AI-enabled Social Media Marketing

October 9, 2023

| 6 mins read

A whopping 80% of Gen Z consumers buy from brands with personalised marketing. And despite their young age, almost half of the global consumer spending can be attributed to Gen Z’ers alone.

Technology Meets Skincare: How Beauty Tech is Changing the Game for Big Brands

October 3, 2023

| 5 mins read

The global beauty industry — worth around half a billion dollars today — is evolving. Tech intervention and shift in mindset are revolutionising what products are developed and how people shop.Shopping habits are changing.

Integrating Web AR into eCommerce

September 28, 2023

| 5 mins read

Imagine this: an immersive world where customers interact with digital objects while shopping online as they would in real life. Plus, they can unlock these virtual experiences directly via a web browser without the friction of downloading memory-heavy apps – all these in a single click.Welcome to web augmented reality (AR) in eCommerce.

Behind the Magic: A Deep Dive into mirrAR AR SDK

September 26, 2023

| 5 mins read

Most people depend only on their fashion-enthusiastic friends for the right fit, colors, and patterns while shopping for clothes. The result: product returns due to poor fit, quality, or style.An average retail brand bears US$165 Mn in product returns for every billion-dollar sale.

AR Shopping Mirrors: Reflecting the Future of Retail Experience

September 20, 2023

| 6 mins read

Every shopper knows the pain of finding the ideal jeans or shirt, for it is as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. While some customers are pretty sorted about what they are looking for, others approach salespersons for assistance. The whole process overwhelms customers, especially those who are not exactly sure about their preferences.

Augmented Reality in E-commerce Business: Trends, Benefits, and Beyond

September 13, 2023

| 5 mins read

Since its inception, e-commerce has made significant moves to boost customer experience and bring more buyers into the fence. As people flock to the digital space, global retail e-commerce sales will grow nearly 11% during 2023-2027.Still, e-commerce lags behind traditional shopping in one area – the ability to engage with products in real before the purchase.

From Pitch to Purchase: How B2B AR and 3D Product Demos Streamline the Sales Cycle

September 8, 2023

| 5 mins read

The B2B sales cycle runs on relationships, and those do not end when customers purchase. Over the past few years, sales processes have undergone tectonic changes. The customer buying pattern is no longer the same.As such, B2B companies across industries are switching to leading-edge technologies to offer better, more compelling shopping experiences.

Reality Remix: Understanding the Differences Between VR, AR, and MR

August 30, 2023

| 6 mins read

As the metaverse gains momentum nowadays, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) have seen massive adoption. Collectively called extended reality (ER), these immersive technologies will represent a lucrative market of US$ 138.5 Bn by 2030.

How Branded Social AR Filters Attract Audiences to your Brand

August 28, 2023

| 7 min read

In a world where customer experience is of utmost importance, social AR filters give brands a golden chance to connect with their customers, make more sales, and establish their brand voice. Now, the question isn't "why should we do it?" but "when can we start doing it?"

How to Share Branded AR Content on Social Media

August 19, 2023

| 10 min read

Back in 2016, something exciting was happening in the world of AR. Lots of people were on a big adventure, running frantically with their smartphones to find something. Guess what? They weren't chasing bad guys or looking for hidden treasures.

From Likes to ROI: How Social AR Helps Brands Boost their Bottom-lines

August 16, 2023

| 6 mins read

When Snapchat launched its screen overlays, letting users put on dog ears, makeup, or even hair wigs, everybody found it amusing enough. However, very few thought that the feature would find usage in more critical applications.

 Generative AI in Beauty Industry: Redefining Beauty with Code

August 14, 2023

| 7 mins read

The race for generative AI-enabled innovation is intensifying across all sectors, from travel to healthcare. Beauty is no exception – an industry already spearheading innovation, where virtual shopping tools and “beauty tech” are changing customer experience from the inside out.

How AR Can Disrupt the Beauty Industry

August 8, 2023

| 5 min read

Beauty and skin-care conscious customers all over the globe are unremittingly in a pursuit to find newer ways to maintain their beauty regime. They spend a stupendous amount of money to seize this pursuit. According to Groupon, American females spend around $3,756 per year on beauty products and services. For microscopic data, they spend $10 per day.

Ways AR Virtual Try-on Boosts Sales in the Jewelry Industry

July 6, 2023

| 6 min read

Over the years, the jewelry industry has relied on the personal touch and visual allure of its products to attract customers. However, with the rapid advancement of technology, the introduction of AR, Virtual Jewelry Try-On has emerged as a game-changer.

Power of AR Jewelry Catalogs: Engage Your Customers Like Never Before

July 3, 2023

| 5 min read

In the realm of jewelry, presentation holds immense significance. Businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate and engage their customers. Augmented Reality (AR) has emerged as a game-changing technology, revolutionizing various industries, including jewelry.

Elevate Your Business Website with AR Experiences

June 30, 2023

| 6 min read

In the dynamic and swiftly changing digital environment of today, businesses are continuously exploring creative methods to captivate their customers and bolster their visibility on the internet.

Why New Beauty Brands Should Adopt AR Virtual Try-On

June 25, 2023

| 4 mins read

The beauty industry is highly competitive and ever-evolving. New brands are constantly emerging and facing challenges to establish themselves, struggling to capture the attention and loyalty of consumers. In this age of technological advancements, e-commerce and online shopping are on the rise, with traditional brick-and-mortar experiences being replaced.

Sell on Facebook: The Ultimate Guide for Jewelers

December 23, 2022

| 9 min read

Up until 2016, Facebook was majorly a social media application where you could stay connected with your friends and family. Occasionally, as a user, you would come across business advertisements that directed you to the company website should you intend to make a purchase online.

5 Lessons Jewelers Can Learn from the Top Jewelry Brands

December 18, 2022

| 10 min read

The top jewelers always tend to stay ahead in the game because they identify the pressing needs of the market and act accordingly. And more often than not, it is their jewelry advertising strategies and customer service that help them to retain their old customers and constantly attract new ones.

The Age of Digital Fashion (And How Brands Should Prepare)

December 17, 2022

| 10 min read

To say that the fashion industry is undergoing a marvelous digitalization transformation would be an understatement. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the top fashion brands quickly employed their digital know-how and launched tactics that gradually closed the gap between the real and the virtual world.

 5 Big Concerns for Jewelers in 2023 (And How to Address Them)

November 9, 2022

| 5 min read

2022 will be another unique year for the jewelry industry because of the pandemic-related uncertainty that will continue to float in the air. Sure, we might see fewer shutdowns as compared to 2020 and higher consumer confidence than 2021, but the jewelry industry players cannot simply assume that the world will go back to as it was in 2019.

4 Pain Points of Buying Jewelry Online (And How Retailers Can Fix Them)

October 10, 2022

| 10 mins read

In the United States alone, the online jewelry industry grew by almost 8.64% annually between 2011 to 2019 and the sales generated reached a record-high of $8.4 billion during the last year. And all these happened before the 2020 pandemic that forced multiple businesses to shut down their brick-and-mortar stores and digitize their presence.

AR vs VR: Difference Between Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality

October 9, 2022

| 10 min read

Newer technologies are redefining society and the future we’re heading towards. They are changing the way businesses are done, re-shaping consumer behaviour, and modifying lifestyles. ‍ Now while as great and promising (and interesting) as these technologies are

SocialAR: Bridging the Gap between Brands and Customers

October 8, 2022

| 10 min read

Augmented reality is an immersive experience through which we can place digital objects in a real-world setting. As augmented reality (AR) technologies become more prevalent, interest in the various divisions that encompass them is increasing. One such extension that is gaining popularity in recent times is socialAR.

How Jewelry Store Owners Can Prepare for 2022 (And Beyond)

July 31, 2022

| 9 min read

COVID-19 has affected all the industries worldwide, the Jewelry industry is no exception. As the pandemic fear has gripped the existing clientele and potential buyers, the Jewelry industry has lost its pace for the time being.

How AR is Redefining the Entertainment Industry?

July 31, 2022

| 9 min read

Augmented reality (AR) is rapidly disrupting industries across the board – from e-commerce to healthcare – offering potential and exciting avenues for brand recognition and word-of-mouth sharing. The entertainment industry is especially well-suited to the benefits of AR, whether the aim is to sell more tickets or improve brand presence.

10 Tips for Jewelers to Create Buzz that Brings More Customers

July 30, 2022

| 9 min read

The jewelry business is a lucrative market. You can even see physical jewelry stores in little-known neighbourhoods and streets of small towns.As a business person, you know the importance of keeping your customers satisfied – and boosting your returns all the while.

Google's AR Virtual Try-On: Another Leap in Online Shopping

June 29, 2022

| 10 min read

At a time when the pandemic has shifted consumer behaviour, affecting millions of business owners, embracing cutting-edge technologies is the need of the hour. Google’s recent developments and launches reaffirm this need.

12 Tips to Increase Retail Jewelry Sales (and Outdo Competitors)

June 24, 2022

| 10 min read

The pandemic has made a deep wound in the Jewelry industry with business owners struggling to tackle lockdowns, looking out on how to improve the Jewelry business to attract customers, whose purchasing power has declined over the past year.

Jewelers Can Now Boost Brand Engagement on Instagram & Facebook

June 14, 2022

| 10 min read

SocialAR can be defined as a means for people to engage with AR through various social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. It consists of a set of fun and interesting camera filters that can help customers and brands connect in an immersive way!

Facebook is Now Meta (And What it Means for AR?)

June 3, 2022

| 8 min read

This is how Mark Zuckerberg described his vision with Facebook Reality Labs back in August 2020. And just a few months after, Zuckerberg rebranded his company from Facebook to Meta saying that the new name will now reflect the company’s ambition to work behind metaverse.

 How Can Jewelry Brands Go Digital?

May 25, 2022

| 8 min read

To get around the limitations of the physical world, businesses all over the globe are opting for the digital route. Digital technologies such as augmented reality (AR) have changed the way consumers interact with a product by providing them with a more enjoyable shopping experience.

Why Are Brands Using Augmented Reality to Sell Jewelry Online

May 25, 2022

| 8 min read

In recent times, new approaches and strategies have become essential for the survival of businesses. The notion of new-normal has led to heavy reliance on immersive technologies like AR & VR, as it provides an interactive and engaging experience to the shoppers.

Augmented Reality Examples in Different Verticals: How It Can Increase Sales?

May 10, 2022

| 8 min read

We have recently seen the use of AR in eye wear but is it for everyone? Let's find out with augmented reality examples in different verticals. Retail businesses often seek innovative, tech-driven solutions to enhance brand awareness, customer satisfaction, sales proficiency, and other relevant KPIs.

Augmented Reality in Business (and Why You Need to Invest in It)

May 8, 2022

| 8 min read

The rise of augmented reality in business has had a significant impact in redefining traditional sales channels for business owners who experiment with and embrace newer technologies.

Sell Jewelry Online With Latest Virtual Try-On Technology

May 3, 2022

| 7 min read

The 21st-century is an era of digitisation and virtual try-on Jewelry is paving the way for a new way of shopping online.As more and more people have access to and are recognising the benefits of technology, our entire world is getting online.Everything and anything is available online - Jewelry is no exception to this.

The Future of E-commerce: In 2023 and Beyond

April 30, 2022

| 8 min read

E-Commerce is a gigantic world, it has revolutionized the way people buy and sell things, and the question what does the future of e-commerce hold? is always under speculation, Thanks to the advent of the internet and the ongoing digitisation of modern life, every business landscape has undergone a substantial transformation.

Indian Jewelry  Industry in 2021: What to Expect?

April 14, 2022

| 8 min read

Jewelry has always been close to the heart of Indians. Be it special occasions or big festivals, Jewelry has played a noteworthy role in people’s lives. The Jewelry business is booming like never before all thanks to innovative approaches taken by Jewelry retailers

A Seamless, New-Age Selling Experience

April 8, 2022

| 8 min read

With the ongoing pandemic, all doubts about the necessity of going digital have been silenced. Operating online is the best possible way to keep moving forward. The sudden chaos has made every business realise the importance of online sales.

How Jewelers Can Boost Sales Using AR: A Detailed Guide

April 8, 2022

| 8 min read

An otherwise conventional industry that’s dominated by the same old practices, the Jewelry landscape has seen a significant shift in recent times. And this shift has only deepened and become more prevalent due to the pandemic. The consumer behaviour is changing. On many levels, their expectations, as well as the factors they consider when buying Jewelry,

Virtual Try-On (and Why It's the Next Big Thing in E-Commerce)

April 8, 2022

| 8 min read

Technology has weaved its way into every sphere of life. And shopping is no exception. Today’s hyperactive shoppers have power in their hands. They use technology to compare and ultimately decide what they will buy.

Top 7 AR Trends to Look Out For in 2023 and Beyond

March 4, 2022

| 7 min read

According to Statista, there are currently 810 million mobile AR/VR users around the world. By 2021, AR/VR companies have already sold around 410,000 AR-VR devices and the net worth of the industry stood somewhere around US$30.7 billion.

The Future of Augmented Reality in Fashion

March 3, 2022

| 5 min read

Recently, a silvery flowy dress called Iridescence sold for a massive $9,500. The CEO of QuantumStamp, Richard Ma, bought the dress at the Ethereal Summit in New York for his wife, Mary Ren. The dress, however, is not designed by a popular global fashion house like Gucci or Prada.

Jewels of Wisdom with Shuchi Pandya

February 12, 2022

5 min read

Shuchi Pandya, an entrepreneur disrupting the Indian Jewelry space, grew up learning the ins and outs of a Jewelry business, went on to establish a successful business herself, and is all set to revolutionize the space with her brand, Pipa Bella ....

The Fashion Hotline with Shweta Kapur

February 5, 2022

| 6 min read

Shweta Kapur is a powerhouse imperative to the fashion industry in India. She has developed a unique design language that celebrates self-expression. She made her debut in 2014. And today, 14 collections and nine years later, the brand has become a...


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